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1998 Nissan Maxima SEDAN

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Welcome to Carolina Nissan. This vehicle is a 1998 Nissan Maxima SEDAN, with a FWD, 3.0 liter 6 cylinder engine, and fuel injected. It has a blue exterior and has driven 222,044 miles. This motorcar has an impressive fuel economy of 18 mpg in the city and 26 mpg on the highway, making it an efficient choice for any driver. Additionally, the carfax report is available for review, so prospective buyers can be sure that they are purchasing a reliable automobile. Contact Details: Carolina Nissan, 1329 Huffman Mill Rd, Burlington, NC, 27215, [email protected], (336) 584-0201. Carolina Nissan is family owned and operated. The founder Charles Crenshaw, born in Kings Mountain and raised in Alamance county North Carolina and a sergeant in the Marine Corps, began his career in 1959 working for Atwater Ford in Burlington. He worked for the Atwaters until 1977, at that point he went into business for himself, starting a Datsun dealership in Sanford, NC. In the winter of 1982 he had the opportunity to return to his home in Burlington, NC and he and Terry Crenshaw have been o
Trim: Not listed
Body Style: Sedan
Fuel Type:
Fuel Capacity: n/a
Recommended Fuel: n/a
Passenger Seating: n/a
OEM Tire: n/a
Engine: n/a
Engine HP: n/a
Engine Torque: n/a
Towing Capacity: n/a
Max Towing Capacity**: n/a
Max Payload: n/a